Operation of filtertestsystem
The test method on the basis of which the MK-2 works is known as the "Go / No Go" test method and offers fast and very precise results.
Simulation of microorganisms is done by generating fog and smoke-like particles within the filter tester, consisting of non-toxic saturated synthetic hydrocarbons. These substances form microdroplets of 0.2 to 2.5 mu.
This mist is pressurized by the integrated compressor and pressed to the filter. The fine mist particles quickly locate the smallest leaks in the filter and make them visible immediately.
Your benefits
- Simple method of testing, no training or specific skills are required
- No other parts required to perform a test
- The test can be performed in just 2 minutes, including the preparations
- Detects immediately whether a filter is defective or not
- Test leaves the filter element intact without damaging it
- Proven test method, in one compact unit
- Fast and adequate system